Zhongshan Dimur Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.

China China

"DIMUR "---- a world-class professional supplier of cleaning equipment. The company focus on its sales of related products and services to full-service concept for the support, to the automotive, petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, shipbuilding, electricity, subways, airports, food, paper, electronics, textile / dyeing,,, machinery manufacturing, hardware, hotels, construction, municipal and other industries, providing cleaning equipment, dust-free dry grinding, the central dust collection system, waste gas treatment equipment series, including mechanical and electrical equipment and products. We are continuously developing a higher goals demands on themselves in order to continuously improve their own management style, to mention the ability and level of customer service, while strongly advocating the building of brand strategy in order to continuously promote the industry and the company's own health and sustainable development. We pay attention to every customer made a request and give full consideration to every detail. We are actively doing a good job services, and efforts to open up wider, more distant vision, through the unremitting efforts, the industry has won a good reputation. All this has been an inspiration to us to better serve our customers. We - "DIMUR" moment with you with in! Professional: Because the focus, so professional; because the professional, so different. Focus on: customer needs, our requests. Customer demand will be DIMUR always been concerned about the top priority. Concentrate on: unavoidably concentrate pending. DIMUR has always been the pursuit of providing customers with satisfactory service. Our first-class quality through the provision of equipment and products, and personalized professional services, will be trying to work our professional experience, knowledge and products, the actual situation with the client combined for different industries, with, according to the different needs of customers, at reasonable prices, quality products to provide customers with our unique professional services and security. Active service: Use of "Dimitri Masteraizer" huge customer database for you to conduct an accurate maintenance records, provide timely reminder service, regular return visits of new and old customers, the initiative to provide technical advice, staff training and other services. Timely services: No matter where you are, and for your needs, "DIMUR" provide you with 24-hour telephone hotline service to provide, including product maintenance, maintenance and other technical questions answered and advice. Integrity of services: Adhering to the "do not want to have are, do not impose on people" business approach for your products and services in the use Dimur feel the integrity of the process of expression.